Annual Report

President & CEO updates

Associate Professor Des Graham

“To the MS community, it has been a privilege to walk alongside you and I hope the partnership and  stewardship I offered has got us closer to a cure and improved the quality of lives for 33 thousand Australians and even more carers.”

Associate Professor Desmond Graham

President (2019 to 2024)

“We are completely devoted to achieving our goal – a world without MS – and fulfilling our mission – to empower people living with MS to live well through research, advocacy and education. This year, we hit the halfway mark in our five-year strategic plan and I’m pleased to report great progress on our key goals.”

Rohan Greenland


What is multiple sclerosis?

MS is the most common acquired chronic neurological disease affecting young adults, often diagnosed between the ages of 20 to 40 and, in Australia, affects three times more women than men. As yet, there is no cure. There is no known single cause of MS, but many genetic and environmental factors have been shown to contribute to its development. In MS, the body’s own immune system mistakenly attacks and damages the fatty material – called myelin – around the nerves. This results in a range of symptoms, but no two people experience MS in the same way.

62% of people with MS use a disease modifying therapy (DMT), a decrease of 2% since 2017

Nearly 3m people live with MS worldwide

More than 33K Australians live with MS

$2.5bn was the estimated cost of MS to the Australian community in 2021

Average age of diagnosis is between 20-40 years

3 out of 4 Australians diagnosed with MS are women

MS affects more young adults than any other acquired chronic neurological disease

131 Australians living with MS per 100k people, up from 103 in 2017

Research at a glance

2024 marked the 20th Year of MS Australia’s national research program and an over $54 million investment in MS research, supercharging Australian MS research and encouraging and supporting collaboration across the sector.

Over $4.6 million awarded to 21 new research grants across Major and Incubator Rounds

MS Australia partners on five MRFF grants totalling nearly $10 million for Australian EBV research

First-ever adaptive clinical trial for Australians living with MS announced, supported by MSWA and MS Australia

Adaptive clinical trial education modules for people living with MS launched

Lived experience experts and researchers came together in Perth for MS Australia’s biennial conference for the first time

Enlargement of a discrete brain region provides clues on nerve damage in relapsing remitting MS

Reactive balance training shows promise in reducing falls in people with MS

Australian researchers developed a highly effective new EBV vaccine, with initial support from MS Australia

Advocacy at a glance

MS Australia has advocated and sought to improve the lives of people living with or affected by multiple sclerosis (MS) for over 50 years. We are the largest Australian not-for-profit organisation dedicated to funding, coordinating, educating and advocating for MS research as part of the worldwide effort to solve MS.

22 members of the Lived Experience Expert Panel (LEEP) embedding the lived experience voice into everything we do

17 submissions to government and departmental inquiries and consultations

5 of 6 MS Australia advocacy asks endorsed in full or in part by the NDIS Review

Neurological Alliance Australia (NAA) increased membership to 36

Held the first-ever NAA National Summit

21 Parliamentary Friends of MS members

Joint leadership with the international MS community to fast-track cures

Partnered with Australian research teams to secure nearly $10 million in government funding for EBV research in MS

Awareness, education & engagement

15 episodes of The Raw Nerve Podcast 

Joined 124 countries in celebrating World MS Day

Over 300 MS Australia-related media mentions

96 MS Australia news items published

1,014 social media posts

Over 250 delegates attend MS Australia’s biennial Progress in MS Research Scientific Conference in Perth

Partnership on feature film Take My Hand

Launch of Trial.Smart educational series

Fundraising at a glance

MS Australia’s mission is to achieve a world free of MS, enhancing the wellbeing of those affected by the condition, and amplifying funding for MS research aimed at prevention, improved treatments, and ultimately a cure. Our fundraising efforts, including The May 50K and various events, harness the generosity and enthusiasm of the Australian community, supported by contributions from our MS Member Organisations with whom we collaborate closely.

$2.4m raised for MS research by The May 50K in 2024

13,012 participants in The May 50K 2024

$267 raised for MS research by the average May 50K participant

$23.4m raised for MS research in Australia since The May 50K launched in 2019

$823K received from Gifts in Wills

$1.2m received from general donations and other fundraising

$4.6m for MS research contributed by our state and territory MS Member Organisations

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Annual Report 2023-24