
Thank you for powering MS research

15 June 2020

The difference you’re making to the lives of people with MS

Thanks to you, we can look back on a fruitful and exciting year in MS research. Research almost entirely funded by generous people like you.

You are currently  powering 47 incredible research projects which will help take away the power that MS has over people’s lives. You’ll be able to read about your impact shortly in our upcoming Progress Impact Report.

In the meantime, we’ve been speaking to people like you – our donors and fundraisers fuelling MS research, the researchers hard at work, and people living with MS whose lives are constantly being transformed by that research. People like Lauren, who has been living with MS for six years and for whom research breakthroughs mean hope for a life free from MS.

No matter how you support MS research, we are united in our pursuit of a world free from MS. It is this unity that empowers us and fuels our progress and passion – we hope you feel the same. This is our community. We’d like to share some of their thoughts with you…


Breony wants to thank you.

“Medical research is hard work. The researchers work long hours. While the setbacks can be heartbreaking, the breakthroughs make it worthwhile in the long run.

I know that one day the research that is being done today will change the treatments and options available for myself and so many others in the future.

So much of the money to fund these breakthroughs come from those in the community, so to the donors towards MS Research Australia, I thank you. To those who’ve created fundraisers amongst the MS community, thank you. And to all of those out there who have chosen to commit their hard earned dollars to the cause of MS research, I thank you.”

Breony, living with MS for 4 years


Why Cory donates.

“One of the things you face right from the beginning is the feeling of losing control of what’s happening in your life. One reason I started donating and raising money for MS research was that it gave me a sense of control. I couldn’t control what was happening to me, but I could control what I was doing about it – to hopefully help myself, and many others also living with MS.

Research gives people hope. And gives them the feeling that it’s not the end.

Things don’t always have to be the way they are today, nor do they have to be spiralling in a downward direction. We can take control of how we’re contributing to the experiences of other people and help scientists make progress.”

Cory, living with MS for 16 years


What Alice achieves, because of you.

Alice Saul is working on a project investigating the role of diet in MS.

She’s focusing on dietary patterns, implications of diet quality and inflammation, to determine whether MS outcomes such as disability progression, relapses and symptom severity are impacted by diet.

I’ve experienced first-hand the impact that MS can have on individuals and their families. I understand the challenges that MS presents and I’m passionate about making a difference in the lives of others.

I’m a lucky recipient of an MS Research Australia grant and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the donors who have made my work possible.”

Alice, MS Researcher


Research not only gives hope – but confidence. Confidence that there will be a future where MS no longer has an impact on peoples’ lives like it does today. Your compassion is the key driver to achieving great things and transforming the lives of so many.

The result? Scientists and researchers are now certain that we can stop and reverse the effects of MS – and it’s within reach.

We can never thank you enough. Every advancement so far, and every improvement we’ve seen has been founded in medical research. And behind this progress is someone like you who has funded it.

With your help, it’s all possible.

You’ll soon be able to read more about the research you’ve enabled in a special report made just for you. Watch the preview video here.

If you’d like to help further this progress, please donate now.

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Thank you for powering MS research