
Prioritising the MS research and advocacy agenda – have your say!

5 July 2021

MS Australia is inviting the MS community to take part in an online survey about MS research and advocacy priorities.

The views of the Australian MS community are integral in guiding the strategic planning and future development of MS Australia and its recently amalgamated subsidiary, MS Research Australia. We would like to understand which of the many different areas of MS research and advocacy are important to people living with MS and to people affected by MS, including health professionals and researchers.

As the national peak body, MS Australia advocates for and on behalf of Australians affected by MS, as well as funding and coordinating vital MS research to better treat, prevent and cure MS.

MS research covers a range of fields, encompassing immunology, neurobiology, genetics and epidemiology as well as stretching across clinical and allied health disciplines. Research into MS aims to address the treatment and prevention of the disease, the management of its many symptoms, and to ultimately finding a cure.

Each year, MS Australia is only able to fund a portion of the many worthy research projects presented. It is therefore crucial, that we focus our efforts and our donors’ funds not only on the strongest research projects and the most capable researchers, but also on those projects that are viewed as a priority within the MS community. In conjunction with the Board of Directors and a panel of expert research advisors, MS Australia has developed a targeted research strategy and a robust governance process.

Our approach has also been to support Australia’s strengths within the context of the global MS research effort, build the Australian MS research network and tackle a number of broad research goals. These include research into how to better diagnose and treat MS (including managing symptoms and promoting rehabilitation), to predict and prevent MS and to develop strategies to promote cell repair and regeneration. MS Australia invites applications from individual research teams and supports major ‘platform’ projects, providing a national collaborative effort towards the identification of MS research priorities. This empowers researchers to make discoveries not possible when working alone.

MS Australia raises awareness, lobbies for key and topical issues, and advocates for systemic change that will lead to more effective management of MS. This work aims to enable people with MS to better manage their symptoms, and enhance their quality of life, health and wellbeing. Advocacy work also includes regular representations and submissions to the Australian Government, as well as working collaboratively with other likeminded organisations at a national and international level.

As part of the MS Australia strategic plan, feedback and consultation is being sought to understand which of the many different areas of MS research and advocacy are considered to be the most important by people both directly and indirectly affected by MS.

MS Australia is inviting Australians with MS, their friends, family and carers, doctors, MS staff, nurses, researchers and the broader MS community to join in the discussion about the key priorities in MS research and advocacy, by participating in this survey.

To take part in the online survey, please click here. The survey will remain open until 30 July 2021.

If you would prefer a hard copy of the survey to be sent to you, please contact one of our MS Australia team members on 1300 010 158 and we will post a hard copy out to you.

Your opinion will help shape the future of MS Australia’s research and advocacy priorities and champion the interests of Australia’s MS community.

To find out more information about MS Australia’s Strategic Planning, please click here.

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Prioritising the MS research and advocacy agenda – have your say!