An online intervention for fatigue in MS

Dr Jo Lane

Australian National University, ACT

January 2020

specialisation: Social And Applied Research

focus area: Better treatments

funding type: Incubator

project type: Investigator Led Research


One of the most common and disabling symptoms reported by people living with MS is fatigue. MS-related fatigue can impact every aspect of a person’s life. Although many strategies have been used to manage MS-related fatigue, most have limited effectiveness. One approach that has been shown to be effective in reducing MS-related fatigue is an online program based on the principles of cognitive behaviour therapy, called ELEVIDA.

To date, this program has only been available in Germany, and in German. The proposed study will introduce an English version of ELEVIDA and test its use in a small number of people with MS-related fatigue living in the Canberra region. Participants will be asked to provide feedback on the language, meaning, structure, usability and acceptability of the program. The project will also examine participant engagement and enjoyment and whether they found ELEVIDA helpful to manage their MS-related fatigue. This study will allow for the English version of ELEVIDA to be optimised so it can be used in larger studies of people living with MS-related fatigue in Australia.


As the study is awaiting publication, more extensive study findings will be provided in due course. In the meantime, this study was the first to test the English version of the ELEVIDA program. A total of 15 people with MS participated in the study, a mix of females and males with both relapsing and progressive MS. Participants provided extensive feedback and suggestions about the ELEVIDA, which will be used to optimise the English version of the program. It is hoped that this optimised version of the program will be tested in a randomised controlled trial for treating people living with MS-related fatigue in Australia.

Updated 14 April 2021

lead investigator

total funding


start year



1 year


Past project

Stages of the research process

Fundamental laboratory Research

Laboratory research that investigates scientific theories behind the possible causes, disease progression, ways to diagnose and better treat MS.

Lab to clinic timeline

10+ years

Translational Research

Research that builds on fundamental scientific research to develop new therapies, medical procedures or diagnostics and advances it closer to the clinic.

Lab to clinic timeline

5+ years

Clinical Studies and Clinical Trials

Clinical research is the culmination of fundamental and translational research turning those research discoveries into treatments and interventions for people with MS.

Lab to clinic timeline

3+ years

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An online intervention for fatigue in MS