Effective multiple sclerosis diagnosis based on EBV proteome screening

Professor Denise Doolan

The University of Queensland, QLD

January 2024

specialisation: Epidemiology

focus area: Causes and Prevention

funding type: Project

project type: Investigator Led Research


Professor Denise Doolan and her team propose to study the altered antibody response to Epstein Barr virus (EBV) as a potential diagnostic test for MS (multiple sclerosis), a disease for which the underlying cause remains unknown.

While EBV has been strongly associated with MS, establishing causality has been difficult. Professor Denise Doolan and her team plan to measure the antibody response to all known proteins present in EBV and compare the responses in individuals with MS to those in healthy people and people with other autoimmune diseases. They will use a computational analytical pipeline to identify a risk stratification signature of EBV antibodies specifically associated with MS.

lead investigator


Dr Carla Proietti
Dr William Lindsey

total funding


start year



3 years


Current project

Stages of the research process

Fundamental laboratory Research

Laboratory research that investigates scientific theories behind the possible causes, disease progression, ways to diagnose and better treat MS.

Lab to clinic timeline

10+ years

Translational Research

Research that builds on fundamental scientific research to develop new therapies, medical procedures or diagnostics and advances it closer to the clinic.

Lab to clinic timeline

5+ years

Clinical Studies and Clinical Trials

Clinical research is the culmination of fundamental and translational research turning those research discoveries into treatments and interventions for people with MS.

Lab to clinic timeline

3+ years

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Effective multiple sclerosis diagnosis based on EBV proteome screening